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Submitted by Goode4me on Mon, 2021-11-08 06:11
Sunday, Nov 07, 2021 - 09:00am to Sunday, Nov 07, 2021 - 02:00pm
San Jose
One couldn't ask for a better weather than what we've gotten on our First Sunday Drive in November. The Sun was shining and the wind was light, we had our top down on our convertibles as we drove up to a very winding road to the top of Mt. Hamilton, and looked through a panoramic view of the Bay Area. Our speed was slow to ensure that we give enough room for the cyclists who were struggling on getting up to the top, and watch-out for the speed skateboarders, whom were zooming down the hill on the other side of the road.
We are becoming experts on the First Sunday Drives, that we carried our own table for signing ups, and folding chairs for anyone needed a rest before taking off.  18 Mercedes-Benz, 32 participants and 2 lovely dogs (with their own name badges) showed up to this fantastic, and lovely last First Sunday Drive of the year.